
Posts Tagged ‘Rush Limbaugh’

Top Pros and Cons of Socialized Health Care

August 10, 2009 2 comments


Health care reform is currently the most hotly debated topic in the political arena. Everyone from the President, Speaker of the House, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Al Franken, retirees, the middle class, the upper class, the lower class, and me. The only ones who do not care about what happens with the health care issue is the youth.

Socialized Health Care works to a certain level in other countries, mostly countries with a smaller population and a higher tax rate than the United States. Although there are some which are comparable in size or even larger.

There are two major Pros to moving towards a Socialized Health Care system and five major Cons. First I want to look at the Pros:


Top 10 Most Polarizing Political Figures in U.S. Politics

I created this list based on reactions I hear from various people when one of these names is dropped in a conversation. Most people with any political savvy should know who these figures are.

Top 10 Most Polarizing Political Figures in U.S. Politics

10. President George W. Bush

9. President Barack Obama

8. Arlen Specter

7. Harry Reid

6. Nancy Pelosi

5. Barney Frank

4. Billary (Bill and Hillary) Clinton

3. Sarah Palin

2. Al Sharpton

1. Rush Limbaugh

Honorable mention: Howard Dean, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, Al Gore (he did invent the internet and global warming).

If there is anyone I have left off this list let me know, feel free to leave me a comment.

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Martin Luther King Jr. Was a Republican!


A group of Black Republicans in Houston had posted a billboard claiming that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican.  However Dr. King never claimed a party affiliation.

“Who knew?

A billboard proclaiming that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican has stirred a religious and political hornets’ nest in Houston, where a church leader is trying to draw black voters into the Republican Party.

The jumbo-sized roadside ad made its contentious claim for about a week — until a local black activist charged that the sign unjustly politicized King’s legacy and was hurting his community by telling a “blatant lie.”

“Martin Luther King may have very well believed in some of the Christian principles of the Republican Party, but Dr. Martin Luther King was not a Republican or a Democrat,” said Quanell X, who heads the New Black Panther Party in Houston.”

You can read the rest of the article here.

“…Quanell X, who held a press conference late last week to rally against the sign and ended up in a shouting match over the legacy of the murdered civil rights icon.”

“Quanell X told he was pleased that he had succeeded in getting the billboard removed. He added that King would never have embraced the present-day GOP, which he said had “racist elements.”

I challenge Quanell X to show me and the rest of the country these so-called “racist elements.”  I’m not looking for the fringe of the party, I’m looking for mainstream racist elements.

“Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would not be with the party of Newt Gingrich, he would not be with the party of Sarah Palin, he would not be with the party of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage or Sean Hannity,” he said.”

Martin Luther King, Jr. would not be involved with the New Black Panther Party.  He did not believe in militant activism.

I believe that Quanell X (what a name!) is a racist.  I believe this because he takes so much offense to Raging Elephants claim that Dr. King is a Republican and because of his involvement in the New Black Panther Party.  There is no reason to demand that a billboard ad be removed.  It does no harm to anyone, if anything it should challenge everyone to question their “political ideology.”