
Posts Tagged ‘Phoenix’

Earthquake Should Lead to More Research

With the recent news of a 6.9 magnitude earthquake off the coast of California that was felt all the way in Phoenix there should be a call for more earthquake research.

This would be a great move by the democrats, play to our fears and increase government spending.  By adding a few more geologists to the pay role we could possibly stimulate the economy.  I think I can feel an economic turn around on the horizon.

Reasons for research:

1. We need to find a way to prevent a Tsunami from wiping out the west coast.

2. We don’t want the “Big One” to cause California to become an island. (remember Escape From L.A.?)

3. We need to create jobs.

4. Theoretically more government spending stimulates the economy.

5. It will make people feel better knowing we are working on a solution.