
Posts Tagged ‘Arlen Specter’

Top 10 Most Polarizing Political Figures in U.S. Politics

I created this list based on reactions I hear from various people when one of these names is dropped in a conversation. Most people with any political savvy should know who these figures are.

Top 10 Most Polarizing Political Figures in U.S. Politics

10. President George W. Bush

9. President Barack Obama

8. Arlen Specter

7. Harry Reid

6. Nancy Pelosi

5. Barney Frank

4. Billary (Bill and Hillary) Clinton

3. Sarah Palin

2. Al Sharpton

1. Rush Limbaugh

Honorable mention: Howard Dean, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, Al Gore (he did invent the internet and global warming).

If there is anyone I have left off this list let me know, feel free to leave me a comment.

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